Planetarium with Astrolabium

Astronomical clock with astrolabium and planetarium

To the Clock


Astrolabium with sundial, dragon hand, zodiac with zodiac sign and moon with phase

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Astrolabium with planisphere FC

Planishere with stars, double stars, variable stars, open clusters, planetary nebula, diffuse nebula, Galaxy, special points or faint but interesting stars, ecliptic; © copyright Rob Walrecht

To the Clock

Astrolabium with planisphere TR

Planisphere with 600 stars.

To the Clock

Astrolabium with hour hand and minute hand

Astrolabium with hours hand and minute hand for the telling of civil time (watch time). Sundial, dragon hand, zodiac with zodiac sign and moon with phase.

To the Clock

Astrolabium with zodiac

Astrolabium with sundial, dragon hand, zodiac with zodiac sign and moon with phase. On the outside of the astrolabium the zodiac signs displayed according to astrology and current astronomy.

To the Clock